Self help

There are some great tool and techniques that you can do for yourself – and in some cases these techniques come up as ‘homework’ or ‘growth work’ if you prefer that term.  Rather than re-inventing the wheel, the video clips below where produced by Health Kinesiology UK (featuring my tutor!).  If there are any other techniques you think would be useful to have here please do let me know.

I’ve also created a handy guide covering 5 great tips to calm stress, quieten overwhelm and get your focus back – if you would like to read it and put some of the tips in to practice hit the button below.

Balancing the thymus – it’s like having a mini ‘reset’ button. As I always get confused with which way anti-clockwise is when it’s on my body – it’s down on the right and up on the left!

Balancing the Thymus

Emotional Stress Release (or ESR) – a great way to lower stress levels and help you see the situation you are in a bit more clearly


Energy Toning Movements (or ETMs) – one of my favourites! (I was given these to do so often I can now do them in my sleep!)


Degaussing – Helps to reduce Electro Magnetic Smog.  
If like me you spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen (I mean, I have screens 3 so triple the fun!) then this is a handy exercise to do weekly.


Meridian Tracing – it’s so much easier to follow this than the sheet of line drawings that I can give you!

Meridian Tracing

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